Thanks for purchasing the LMS-ESP32 board! On this page, you will find resources and tutorials to get you started exploring all the new possibilities you now have with your programmable LEGO hubs. There’s a handy firmware finder and some getting started tutorials. Be sure to join our discord server if you have more questions.
The LMS-ESP32 basics
We have a getting-started series of articles, that is a bit older but still mostly accurate. It consists of 4 blog articles with videos about connecting the board to a MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor or SPIKE hub. Furthermore, we have documentation about the hardware, firmware and all libraries on
Starting with the LMS-ESP32 Firmware Selector
In the interactive form below, you can select your hub, preferred programming environment and project goal. The form will calculate the firmware options for you. Press the ‘get relevant articles’ at the bottom to search the website for similar projects. Note that the search might come up empty with some exotic combinations.