Working Sail Wagon Building instructions and Python code



Build your own remote-controlled land yacht with any game controller and an EV3 brick! These are the PDF Building instructions for a LEGO MINDSTORMS Land Yacht or sail wagon – whichever you prefer to call it.

The download includes:

  • Full building instructions
  • Knotting and wiring guide
  • Sail building instructions
  • Micropython program file

Below is the full part last used in the building instructions. You can use the Wanted List XML file on Bricklink to check against your inventory and order any missing parts.

To run the program you need a microSD card with ev3dev and computer with Microsoft VS Code.

Enjoy the build and share your land sailing experiences on Facebook!


Here’s a video:

YouTube player


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Sail wagon land yacht building instructions
Working Sail Wagon Building instructions and Python code